Brought to the palace as a newborn, the royal life bestowed upon Mackenna Sparrow was never meant to last forever. With Princess Alina engaged to be married, Mackenna’s presence as companion is no longer required and, like it or not, she must return to the birthright which should have been hers – that of a commoner. But not everyone at the palace wants her gone. When the truths she’s based her life on start crumbling as fast as her future, will she find the courage to trust, both herself and the prince she’s fallen in love with? Genre: Young Adult/Royalty ISBN-13: 9781946531537 Click here to get your copy! |
I have to admit that I wasn't exactly sure what I would be in for when I decided to read Heart Of A Royal. I knew that I was in the mood for something different than the usual romantic suspense and historical genres that I usually read, but that was all. Again, I'll be honest, I've never been into princess stories, I liked Disney's animated Robin Hood much better than any of the princess movies. But there was something about this book, maybe the cover appealed to me, maybe it was the blurb, but I did WANT to read this book.
And I was pleasantly, well surprised isn't quite the right word, maybe pleased is, to find that I really enjoyed the book, every bit. Yes, it's a YA novel complete with all of the accompanying tropes, you know, the secret crushes, parties/balls, insecurities, petty jealousy, and the struggles fitting into the adult world. But Hannah Currie managed to pull it all off in a story that even I, as a long past YA reader, could both enjoy and even somewhat relate to. One of the big plusses in my estimation is that, while the story is set in the fictional country of Peverell, the technology, clothing, and scenery could be anywhere, making it familiar and easy to read.
Heart Of A Royal is amusing, entertaining, but with a few surprises up its sleeve. There is romance, of course, and humor, as well as some touching moments, but there is also loss, betrayal, danger, and the villains may not be who or what you might orginally have thought them to be. Hannah Currie has penned a charming and delightful story, one that I enjoyed and didn't want to leave. And I can say with all sincerity that I am greatly looking forward to the next book in the Daughters Of Peverell series.
Tell Tale Book Reviews gives Heart Of A Royal by Hannah Currie a 4.5 Bark rating.
More from Hannah
I’m one of those people who blocks out an entire day to watch a royal wedding, sighs like a hopeless romantic through cheesy princess movies, reads just about any novel I find with a crown on the front and loves a full-spread photo souvenir magazine. I may have even written a short story starring a princess for an English assignment at school. More than once. [Side note, if you’re going to write a story about a princess who is totally adorable but can’t spell, don’t use a misspelled word as the title. It takes a lot of explaining to make sure the teacher knows you did it on purpose and doesn’t mark you down for it… sorry Ninth Grade English teacher!]. |
But what happens when they’re not? When they’re shy? Fight anxiety? Hate the spotlight? Are blemished in some way? What happens when what’s best for the people isn’t what’s best for them? Or when they make a mistake? Something which, for anyone else, would be easily fixed or glossed over but for a royal, gets written into the history books forever. Purely because of their title.
Kenna, the main character in Heart of a Royal, never meant to be a princess. She wasn’t born into royalty, neither did she choose it. And yet, due to circumstances far beyond her control, there she is. Living in a palace. Part of that life.
Very few of us are royalty but I think we all know how heavy expectations can be and the pain of being thrust into situations beyond our control. And yet, even in those moments and seasons, just like Kenna, we have choices. They might seem small, maybe even insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but they’re there. Who we put our trust in. What we do with the circumstances we’ve been given. Where we go from there. |
Aussie author, Hannah Currie, loves God, family, people (in small numbers, let’s not go crazy here!) and writing. She and her husband live with their three adorable kids in sunny Queensland, where it really is beautiful one day and perfect the next. Except, maybe, during heatwaves. They’re not so fun. She loves to connect with readers at |
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