Welcome to the Blog Tour for The Marine's Deadly Reunion by Loretta Eidson,
hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!
My Review
There seems to be no one left they can trust...
Well, that was one exciting read with more twists and turns than even I, longtime fan of Love Inspired (particularly Suspense), could have anticipated. Author Loretta Eidson never gave her characters in The Marine's Deadly Reunion or its readers a even single moment to breathe. As I said, this Love Inspired novel had so many twists and turns and red herrings that by the end I had absolutely no clue who had actually done it for sure. In the meantime, I did have some fun trying to puzzle it out with Daria and Jake – and there was a lot to puzzle out. This is the third Loretta Eidson book that I've read and I think that The Marine's Deadly Reunion was the most edge-of-your-seat yet. I am now curious to find out how she will top it with, what I hope, will be the next story... Tell Tale Book Reviews gives The Marine's Deadly Reunion by Loretta Eidson a Bark rating.
(I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)
Connect with Loretta by visiting lorettaeidson.com to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.
It's Time For A Giveaway!
(1) winner will win a $50 Amazon gift card!
Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight December 18, 2023 and will last through
11:59 PM EST on December 25, 2023. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.
Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.
Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!
Genre: Contemporary Christian Cowboy Romance Release Date: November 21, 2023 Click here to get your copy! Interview with Karen#1. What was the inspiration for this book? I had so much fun writing my historical Colter Sons series about a big family, and I wanted to write another series about a big family in a contemporary setting. So, I started researching dude ranches (guest ranches) in Arizona and the stories about the wonderful, entrepreneurial families I discovered inspired the idea behind Vargas Guest Ranch & Resort. One dude ranch made it very clear from their About Us page they were strong Christians and they also cared deeply about wheelchair-bound guests. My heart was deeply touched. This inspired how I developed the Vargas family. The second book in the series, Falling for a Shy Cowboy, deals with a single mom of a little boy whose legs were amputated. #2. How long did it take to finish writing this book? This one came together really fast. Some stories are just like that. I finished the first draft in less than six weeks. The ideas were just there and flowed onto the page. The second book in the series was almost the opposite experience. My characters pushed me into some challenging situations which caused a complete re-ordering of chapters, and… Well, it turned out great in the end, but that one took more like ten weeks for a complete first draft. #3. What drew you to write in this particular genre? Arizona! I love reading both historical romance and contemporary romance—especially anything with cowboys, ranches, and close-knit families or friend groups. The setting of Arizona lends itself to writing cowboy romances. And since I love Arizona… It was a match made in heaven. 😊 #4. Do you have favorite character(s) in this book? I love River Sloane’s character. She’s a popular romance writer in a slump and her publisher sends her to a dude ranch in Arizona so she can switch sub-genres to cowboy romance. Her character provided a great outlet for me to refine my personal mission statement for my writing and to poke a little fun at my career. There’s a fun scene in the book where Dalton Vargas (our hero!) asks her about her current novel, and she talks about how someone like her would make a boring character—which is anything but the truth! She’s funny, serious about her faith, and takes whatever life throws at her even while trying to reinvent her writing career. How does she squeeze a new love into the mix? Well, you’ll just have to read the book to find out. 😊 #5. What do you hope your readers will take away with them when they read this book? The underlying theme is about God’s timing. We see His hand in both Dalton’s and River’s characters as they face some huge challenges and experience love after some heartbreaking bad relationships in their pasts. Through it all, they grow, and dreams come true, though not in their desired timing, but in God’s perfect timing. When we wait on the Lord’s timing, we can experience His peace. More from KarenInspiration Behind the Vargas Ranch Series Brand How many books about ranches and cowboys have you read, whether historical or contemporary and you wondered about their brand? Hardly anyone describes the brand. Me either. In my historical series, I don’t think I’ve mentioned the brand for my ranch that appears in eleven books! Well, for the Vargas Ranch Series, the brand plays a central role in describing both the family and their faith. In many of my series, I start with a theme verse, and the Vargas Ranch Series is no exception. When I read these verses in my morning devotion time, I knew this would be the anchor for the series. With regard to the works of man, by the word of your lips I have avoided the ways of the violent. My steps have held fast to your paths; my feet have not slipped. —Psalms 17:4-5 ESV Then the family motto formed based on the second verse: I do not deviate from the Lord’s plan. Immediately, I latched onto the word “deviate” and how it might be represented in a brand: “dV8”. I sketched out the design, and then I had to back into how else the letters “d” and “V” might relate to the series.
Now, I could have probably stopped there, but I love developing a rich family history for series like this. So, I decided to set the founding of the ranch in 1952 with Dalton J. Vargas, Senior. His son, Junior, named his son, Dalton J. Vargas the third, and Diego Vargas. The third or “Tres”, is the father of the five sons in the series. I’ve really enjoyed weaving the family’s “dV8” brand, family motto, and theme verses into the first book in the series. They will make an appearance in all five books. So, I’ll leave you with: “I do not deviate from the Lord’s plan.” Blessings, dear readers!
It's Time For A Giveaway!To celebrate her tour, Karen is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 gift card and a signed paperback copy of the book!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries! Blog Stopslakesidelivingsite, December 12 Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, December 13 (Author Interview) Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 13 Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 14 Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, December 15 (Author Interview) Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 16 Tell Tale Book Reviews, December 17 (Author Interview) Locks, Hooks and Books, December 18 A Reader’s Brain, December 19 (Author Interview) Life on Chickadee Lane, December 19 Texas Book-aholic, December 20 A Modern Day Fairy Tale, December 21 (Author Interview) For Him and My Family, December 22 For the Love of Literature, December 23 (Author Interview) Labor Not in Vain, December 24 Holly’s Book Corner, December 25
Genre: Christian, Epic Fantasy Release Date: December 19, 2023 Click here to get your copy! Interview with Brett#1. How long did it take to finish writing this book? I’ve been writing bits and pieces of it for years, pretty much since the series was contracted for publishing back in 2018. I’ve had a few different versions of the overall story arc along the way as well. The lion’s share of the writing though happened earlier this year, as I crashed headlong into the deadline for the manuscript to be submitted to the publisher. Writing like that is like a full out sprint, but almost for a marathon distance. It’s hard, but weirdly helpful, because it forces me to be on task and not let anything distract me when I am able to write. And it wasn’t just meeting the deadline that concerned me—I was worried the pressure would negatively impact the tone and quality of the story. So, I prayed about and for it so much leading up to the deadline. Recently I re-read the manuscript and I was struck by how well it turned out. Without a doubt I know the Lord helped me through it and made the book more than I could have on my own. #2. What drew you to write in this particular genre? I share this often, because I think GK Chesterton states my reasoning for it so much better than I could: “Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey.” Fiction in general, but perhaps fantasy and sci-fi in particular, have enormous potential for helping readers to face the most terrifying aspects of reality on a landscape that allows them to understand there’s victory possible and having experienced that victory there, to go on to face the real “bogeys” of this world bolder. The intriguing and fantastical worlds and situations that arise in speculative fiction pique readers interest and draw them in to face their foes with weapons that appear novel but feel familiar. That in and of itself draws me to speculative fiction. Though, I hope and have the intention to write any story the Lord leads me to, whatever the genre may be. #3. What do you hope your readers will take away with them when they read this book? My hope is that readers will reach the last page and close the book, but carry it with them. So that the next time they face a trial in or challenge to their faith, they do so with more confidence, more resilience. There is so much chaos and noise that comes at us every day and seeks to wear away at our faith. I hope that Resurgence of Dawn helps in the middle of those storms for readers to trust the True High King, knowing that the Lord is there with us, working in and through us. #4. Tell us a little about yourself, your family, friends. A succinct description of me is: I'm a Christian, a writer, a full-time programmer, a husband, a dad, and quite often sleep-deprived. Not necessarily ranked in order of importance, except #1. I enjoy drawing, gardening, movies, reading books (probably easy to guess that one), and spending every moment I can with my family. My mom has always been incredibly supportive of me and was my first (and sometimes toughest) editor growing up and my dad is the sort of man whose life speaks as strongly as his words do to the content of his character and the strength of his faith. My wife and I met by literally being pushed into each other and that providential night is one I’ll always treasure. Then, there’s my son, who is so caring and thoughtful and goofy and earnest and spritely—parents sometimes say their children are blessings almost off handedly, but having him in my life is unequivocally a blessing far beyond anything I could ever deserve. #5. Share with us a thought, Bible verse, whatever is on your mind/heart. “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” * “Your way was through the sea, Your path through the great waters; yet Your footprints were unseen.” ** “And Moses said to the people, ‘Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.’” *** “Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!“ **** The Lord consistently comes with us into the hardest circumstances of life both physical and spiritual and carries us through. The journey might be arduous and the circumstances look terrifying, but He’s with us and “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” ***** Though everything seems to conspire against it and so much cruelty and hardship bear down on us, the Lord is with us and loves us. He makes the impossible possible. * Isaiah 43:19, ESV ** Psalm 77:19, ESV *** Exodus 14:13-14, ESV **** Romans 7:24-25a, ESV ***** Romans 8:28, ESV More from BrettResurgence of Dawn takes the main characters, Anargen and Jason, and those they care deepest about through some intense trials. Everything seems to be falling apart around them and each character has a mountain of guilt weighing down on top of them. They know that their mistakes in Shadows at Nightfall enabled the forces of darkness to advance their evil campaign. The lives of others they cared about were lost or endangered and the Quest is overlooking the precipice of failure and ruin. They have repented of their errors and turned back onto the path of light but these consequences still haunt them. And in that haunting lies a continuingly heinous fear that they will falter again. Things are only complicated further when trusted allies abandon and betray them. Epic fantasy stories are often filled with darkness, but the best of these stories show that the light is never so far away as we imagine. When I write the entries in this series, I’m acutely aware that in our world too it seems as if darkness is winning the war. It’s my sincere hope that as readers encounter the perseverance and surrender to the High King’s will that Anargen, Jason, and so many other characters choose to pursue, they will be encouraged to do the same in our world. I have watched friends fall away from the faith, been buffeted by the storms of life, and been battered by the continual assault on my faith that come from living in our fallen world. I know others have endured the same and often far worse. So, if these stories of Knights and valor and steadfastness as the world crumbles can encourage one person to pursue the Light and hold fast to the Way, the Truth, and the Life; then every hour spent in dreaming and drafting and agonizing over edits is worth it to me. Stories can and should entertain, but they should also inspire and encourage readers to face the real world when the story ends. All the more, because “the night is far gone; the day is at hand.” * * Romans 13:12a, ESV
It's Time For A Giveaway!To celebrate his tour, Brett is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card, copy of Resurgence of Dawn, and digital extras (exclusive map and music)!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries! Blog StopsDebbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 5 Artistic Nobody, December 6 (Author Interview) Locks, Hooks and Books, December 7 Simple Harvest Reads, December 8 (Author Interview) The Lofty Pages, December 8 Texas Book-aholic, December 9 Through the Fire Blogs, December 10 (Author Interview) Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 11 Library Lady’s Kid Lit, December 12 For the Love of Literature, December 13 (Author Interview) Blogging With Carol, December 14 Tell Tale Book Reviews, December 15 (Author Interview) Splashes of Joy, December 16 (Author Interview) Holly’s Book Corner, December 16 Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, December 17 (Author Interview) Guild Master, December 18
Genre: Fantasy (adult) Release Date: December 5, 2023 Click here to get your copy! My Review Their enemies are closing in fast... I absolutely fell in love with J.J. Fischer's writing when I read the first book in The Nightingale Trilogy, Calor, a year ago. That book was everything that a fantasy novel should be and then some, so, since then I have been desperately waiting for the second book, Lumen, to release. And finally, I got my hot little hands on it and I dove in with glee. Lumen was everything that I hope it would be. J.J. Fischer may have surprised me a few times with the direction this second Nightingale Trilogy book went, but I was never disappointed one iota. All of the characters that I've come to love, such as Lady Jewel, were back as well as the appearance of some old and new enemies. They kept me anxiously turning those pages and nearly unable to put the book down even to sleep. I was by turns delighted and dismayed as circumstances dictated on each new page as J.J. Fischer had me completely engrossed and involved in the lives of her characters. Her worldbuilding is exquisite and her pacing keeps the story moving forward at a fast clip. I enjoyed every moment spent reading Lumen and I would highly recommend The Nightingale Trilogy to any older YA or adult reader who enjoys fantasy. The story is entertaining for sure, but there is also much more to it if you look. The only tough thing is now having to wait until the final book releases to find out just who will make it to the last page alive... Tell Tale Book Reviews gives Lumen by J.J. Fischer a 4.5 Bark rating. (I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.) More from J.J.Have you noticed how much less we’re participating in life these days? Here in Australia, we have a show called Gogglebox where we watch people on their couches watching (and commentating on) our favorite TV shows from the last seven days. Sometimes, you don’t even need to have seen the shows. But it’s fun to watch other people watching TV, often because they have the same reactions we have to particular scenes. The widespread popularity of a show like Gogglebox is telling because it demonstrates just how comfortable we’ve become with observing and commentating on other peoples’ lives. We’re quick to critique and criticize and dismiss. So much of our human experience is now mediated through screens and technology and social media that we’ve lost a great deal of the beauty and simplicity of life. How often does a long walk through autumn leaves or a swim at the beach refresh our spirit, yet we rarely get out of the house or away from our busy schedules in order to do so? In the post-apocalyptic world of The Nightingale Trilogy, people no longer have access to the technology and comforts of the “world-that-was,” so they choose to vicariously enjoy its pleasures by re-experiencing old memories, which can be physically extracted and drunk like potions. Nostalgia is the currency of the day, and the gifted individuals who can manipulate these memories—known as alters or mems—are exceptionally prized. The female main character, Sephone Winter, is a young slave who can selectively edit memories with a single touch of a person’s skin. But Sephone is increasingly aware that there’s something different about the memories of the old world that she extracts from donors’ minds. They’re much more faded, and less vivid, than the real thing. And she begins to suspect that habitually enjoying these second-hand and third-hand experiences comes at the price of a person’s humanity, self-awareness, and even their capacity to love. After meeting an old veteran with a first-hand memory of strawberries—who tells Sephone that even this is a shadow of the real thing—she begins a journey to discover what authentic experience really looks like, and if there’s something more to hope for than the faded artifacts of a long-dead world. Sephone’s discoveries have relevance and meaning for all of us in this world where life’s pleasures are often smoke and mirrors. Since the Fall, our lives are full of counterfeit things. They sound good, they look right—more real, sometimes, than the real thing—but they’re ultimately an imitation that doesn’t satisfy us the way we thought and hoped they would. As a Christian, I believe that if we rely on counterfeit things to satisfy our souls, we’re always going to end up hungry. As David Foster Wallace famously once said, worshipping the stuff of this world will inevitably “eat us alive.” False truth and false gods always break the hearts of their worshippers. But unmet needs are a signpost pointing to a better way, a deeper truth. As C.S. Lewis wisely commented: “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” The Nightingale Trilogy is another world, a fantasy context, a different time period. But it’s really us. I hope, as you read, that it stirs in you a hunger for truth, for real things; a desire to connect with the Author of your soul. I can testify that He’s out of this world! Cherish the Real, Jasmine
It's Time For A Giveaway!To celebrate her tour, J.J. is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card along with a signed copy of the book!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries! Blog StopsFiction Book Lover, December 7 (Author Interview) Texas Book-aholic, December 8 Artistic Nobody, December 9 (Author Interview) The Lofty Pages, December 9 Simple Harvest Reads, December 10 (Guest Review from Mindy) Guild Master, December 11 (Author Interview) Locks, Hooks and Books, December 12 Tell Tale Book Reviews, December 13 For the Love of Literature, December 14 (Author Interview) Wishful Endings, December 15 Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 16 Through the Fire Blogs, December 17 (Author Interview) Book Butterfly in Dreamland, December 17 Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, December 18 A Modern Day Fairy Tale, December 19 (Author Interview) Blogging With Carol, December 20 Genre: Historical Romance / Romantic Comedy After five unsuccessful Seasons on the marriage mart, Miss Adelaide Duveen has resigned herself to the notion that she's destined to remain a spinster forever--a rather dismal prospect, but one that will allow her to concentrate on her darling cats and books. However, when she inadvertently stumbles upon Mr. Gideon Abbott engaged in a clandestine activity during a dinner party, Adelaide finds herself thrust into a world of intrigue that resembles the plots in the spy novels she devours. Former intelligence agent Gideon Abbott feels responsible for Adelaide after society threatens to banish her because of the distraction she caused to save his case. Hoping to return the favor, he turns to a good friend--and one of high society's leaders--to take Adelaide in hand and turn her fashionable. When danger surrounds them and Adelaide finds herself a target of the criminals in Gideon's case, the spark of love between them threatens to be quenched for good--along with their lives. Published: November 14, 2023 by Bethany House Publishers ISBN-13: 9780764240218 My Review She is one step ahead of him, right into danger... It is always a delight to dive into a Jen Turano novel. Never have I read one that I didn't like, that didn't make me laugh out loud, and that I wasn't sorry to say goodbye to the characters when that last page was turned. To Spark A Match was no exception and I loved every minute spent reading this second The Matchmakers novel. This book was so much fun to read as it features a spy novel reading crazy cat lady who also happens to be remarkably accident prone, not to mention the 'wink, wink' not a spy who falls in love with her in spite of himself. And then there is the completely adorable, and my favorite characters in the book, Harvey and Moe who just can't help but steal every scene they are in. But, of course, there is more in To Spark A Match than romantic comedy, Jen Turano also weaves a pretty good mystery into this second The Matchmakers book that also keeps those pages turning quite quickly. I also found one of the best, if not THE best, quote that I've read in a book this year and it came right at the moment that I really needed to hear it. It's a line about God creating us precisely as He intended, which is something I think we really need to be reminded of sometimes. There was absolutely nothing to dislike about Adelaide and Gideon's hilarious hijinks in To Spark A Match. It is a solid addition to The Matchmakers series and is an absolute must read for any Jen Turano fan. The most difficult thing is to now wait for the next book to come out... Tell Tale Book Reviews gives To Spark A Match by Jen Turano a 4.5 Bark rating. (I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)
Genre: YA Epic Fantasy Release Date: November 21, 2023 Click here to get your copy! Interview with Gillian#1. How long did it take to finish writing this book? I am a fairly slow writer. I tend to spend more time on the first draft than some other writers, which means that I tend to then spend less time on revisions and wind up with fewer drafts at the end of the day. This book was a particularly complex and challenging undertaking, from the breadth of the overall story to the intricacy required to weave together everything that was happening in the three main characters’ storylines, to the scale of the climax that feels like a non-stop roller coaster rider, so it took me about two years to complete. Some books just need to be written slow and steady, and I’m thankful for readers who were willing to wait for this next installment! #2. What drew you to write in this particular genre? I have been a fan of epic fantasy for most of my life, so when I started writing, those were the stories that had been steeped into me for years. I love stories that invites me into new and fantastic worlds, filled with unlikely heroes and heroines who battle the odds and don’t give up, even when everything seems lost. I love stories that value honor and courage and sacrifice. Stories that honor the juxtaposition of great beauty and sorrow that we see in our world that’s still aching for restoration. Stories that make your heart ache and soar in turn. You can find those types of stories in a variety of genres, but the ones that have spoken to me the most tend to be epic fantasy. I wanted to write that type of story for a young adult audience and in a young adult style. So The Fireborn Epic series in particular tells an epic fantasy story that remains character-driven, action-packed, and fast-paced. #3. Do you have favorite character(s) in this book? I love all of my main characters equally and for different reasons. But I particularly enjoyed getting to explore Rafi’s perspective a little more deeply in this book. He has a quirky personality with a self-deprecating sense of humor, and we get to learn a little more of his backstory which gives us a better understanding of what makes him tick. One of the most influential relationships he’s had in his life was with his older brother, Delmar. I’m always a sucker for brother stories, and this one was particularly interesting for me to explore because Rafi is the second born and tends to idolize his older brother. As a second born myself with an older sibling who is one of my best friends and who I’ve always looked up to, I enjoyed getting to lean into the perspective a bit and also help Rafi to come to the point where he could appreciate and value his strengths, as well as his brother’s. #4. What do you hope your readers will take away with them when they read this book? I rarely have a very succinct takeaway in mind for readers when they read my books. For me, it’s more about the experience of the story and how I hope they feel afterwards. I hope that they will be inspired, encouraged, and challenged by the journeys that the characters go on and the questions that those journeys raise. I hope that the relationships in the book—the friendships and the mentorships and the sibling relationships too—will mean something to them and encourage them to build into the people in their own lives. I hope that they will seek to embody the heart and the hope and the endurance in the face of overwhelming odds that they see in this story, and that most of all, they will know that they are not alone. #5. How did you name your characters? When I’m developing a character, I don’t typically start with the name. I start by trying to figure out what type of person they are, what their personality and quirks are, what role they play in the story, what culture or background they come from. Once I have a sense for that, I’ll visit baby name websites. I particularly like the ones where you can search based on a specific letter of the alphabet or on cultural origins, and then because I write fantasy, sometimes I start with a name and then mess with it a bit. Maybe I like the sound of a specific name but it doesn’t quite fit my world. So I might try tweaking the name to see if I can make it work. It is a process, but it’s fun! And then I love developing naming patterns for the different cultures in my storyworld. So, Ceridwen comes from a culture that honors warriors and remembers their names in songs and tales. So their names tends to be a bit longer and more rhythmic, and instead of a family name, they use a form of patrynomic and matrynomic naming systems, which means they go by their given name along with the name of either their father or mother. So Ceridwen goes by either Ceridwen tal Desmond (the name of her father) or Ceridwen tor Nimid (the name of her mother). In contrast, Rafi lives among the three Que tribes which tend to stick with shorter one syllable or, at most, two syllable names. They track ancestral lines in different ways, but typically the tribe they came from is more important than a familial name. So, they’ll be known as Umut of the Hanonque or Nef of the Mahque, that sort of thing. It’s those sorts of fun, nerdy things that I particularly enjoy developing as a fantasy author. More from GillianOne of my favorite things about writing epic fantasy is not actually what you might expect. It’s not the fantastical elements, although I absolutely love creating worlds filled with magical warhorses, sosswyrm tangles, and stone-eye tigers who can paralyze their prey with a glance. It’s not the intensity of the action or the world altering stakes, although there’s nothing quite so thrilling as throwing your characters into a do-or-die situation, and the pulse-pounding, breathtaking, heart-aching battle sequences that follow. Instead, one of my favorite things about writing such wild and epic stories is the opportunity to ground them in very real, very human characters, with very real, very human emotions, and in the complexity of those characters’ relationships with others. Mentor relationships, deeply loyal friendships, and especially sibling relationships. I am the second-born of five siblings, and I love and admire each of my siblings. Each one encourages and inspires and awes me in his or her own unique way. But growing up, if you had told me that my older sister had hung the moon, I would have believed you. She was two and a half years older than me—and yes, that half year mattered to both of us, though for opposite reasons; she because it meant she was that much older, me because it meant we were that much closer. Somehow, everything she touched seemed golden, and I wanted to be a part of it too. She was a force of nature—a foaming ocean tide—and I was caught up in her wake. She took up horseback riding, and so did I. She picked up books, and I had to read them too, even if it meant sitting beside her in the car with my own book open on my lap, surreptitiously reading hers over her shoulder. (Needless to say, that drove her crazy, and older siblings everywhere can probably commiserate.) She dove into creative writing, and out of nowhere, I developed a passion for the written word. But always, within her, there was this spark of imagination and creativity that I felt I could only ever aspire to. Whatever I did, she had done first and better. And I could only hope to one day achieve her level of greatness. Rafi, one of the main characters in Of Sea and Smoke, also has an older sibling, a brother he has always looked up to. While Rafi and his relationship with his brother is not based on my relationship with my older sister—we’re all four of us wildly different people—there were some aspects of my experience as a second-born that I was able to draw upon. Rafi admires his brother’s strength and confidence. His assurance and rightness. His nobility and leadership. By the time we enter the story, his older brother is no longer around, but Rafi has spent his whole life setting his brother up on a pedestal and then trying to measure up to that ideal. Is it any wonder, then, that he has always found himself wanting? Now, Rafi finds himself having to step into the role that should have been his brother’s, and the only way he can contemplate facing that challenge is by stamping out the things he looks down upon in himself—many of them, the things that make him himself—and trying to be his brother instead. Growing up, I can’t tell you how many times I looked at my older sister and wished that I could be more like her and less like myself. More confident. More brilliant. More vibrant. More her. But it wasn’t until my older sister’s interests began to drift into new additional avenues, while mine stayed mostly the same (horses, books, writing), that I finally began to grow into myself. To recognize my strengths, my unique skills, the things that only I bring to the table, and to acknowledge that even when they are different from hers, they are still good. These days, my older sister and I are best friends. She was the first person I trusted to read Of Sea and Smoke before it went out into the world. I still look up to her in so many ways, and yes, I think I’ll always feel a bit like she hung the moon. But I have grown to appreciate the beauty of what I can learn from my sister’s strengths, while also recognizing the value of my own. And without revealing any spoilers, I think I can safely say that part of Rafi’s journey in Of Sea and Smoke wraps around learning that too, all while he’s raising a band of rebel fighters, trying to outwit an infamous assassin, and plotting to overthrow the empire’s oppressive rule. Wild, epic stories, grounded in real, human experiences, and honestly, can reading get any more fun than that? I hope you enjoy the ride! Gillian Bronte Adams
It's Time For A Giveaway!To celebrate her tour, Gillian is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Barnes & Noble Gift Card and hardcover copy of the book!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries! Blog StopsTruth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 2 Through the Fire Blogs, December 3 (Author Interview) Labor Not in Vain, December 3 Texas Book-aholic, December 4 Artistic Nobody, December 5 (Author Interview) Locks, Hooks and Books, December 6 Guild Master, December 7 (Author Interview) Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 8 Blossoms and Blessings, December 9 (Author Interview) Blogging With Carol, December 10 Tell Tale Book Reviews, December 11 (Author Interview) Simple Harvest Reads, December 12 (Guest Review from Mindy) Library Lady’s Kid Lit, December 13 (Author Interview) By The Book, December 14 (Author Interview) The Lofty Pages, December 14 Fiction Book Lover, December 15 (Author Interview)
USA Today bestselling author Misty M. Beller delivers an exhilarating addition to the Sisters of the Rockies series fraught with peril, adventure, and romance amid the majesty of the Rocky Mountains. Genre: Christian Historical Romance Release Date: November 21, 2023 Click here to get your copy! My Review How could one baby buffalo cause so much trouble? The intrepid Collins sisters are back in this second Sisters Of The Rockies. This time it's tenderhearted Lorelai who has readers quickly turning those pages to find out what happens next. And trust me, there is A LOT of what happens next! Misty M. Beller takes her heroine and hero on one adventurous ride of danger and romance in Rocky Mountain Promise. Over the last few years I've come to enjoy Misty M. Beller's brand of historical romance. They always feature a small cast of characters that are easy to keep track of who's who, plenty of danger from multiple sources, a dramatic landscape, and sometimes a little mystery such as in this series. The Sisters Of The Rockies has all of that and I've particularly liked the sisters dynamic that really keeps the fellas in their lives on their toes. Rocky Mountain Promise proved to be another enjoyable read and I finished more quickly than I had anticipated. The biggest problem is that, as with every other series that I like, now I have to wait for the next book to come out. There were some little hints and beginnings in Rocky Mountain Promise that I am anxious to hopefully see them play out in the next Sisters Of The Rockies book from Misty M. Beller. And, so I wait... Tell Tale Book Reviews gives Rocky Mountain Promise by Misty M. Beller a 4 Bark rating. (I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.) More from MistyMy latest release, Rocky Mountain Promise, follows the four Collins sisters who traveled west to accomplish their father’s deathbed request, and stayed on to run a ranch in the Wyoming Rockies. This particular book is Lorelei’s story, the third sister by age. I loved writing Lorelei! She LOVES animals and has a heart to heal and nurture. Growing up on a ranch in the early 1800s, she understands that animals are important to survival, but she loves taking in any injured or orphaned creature she finds. Like the orphaned buffalo calf with beautiful shades of white fur she discovered on the plains. The creature was only a couple weeks old, far too young to survive on its own in the wild, so she took it home to nurture until it could be released back into a herd. Little did she know, white buffalos are extremely rare and considered sacred by the Indians, which puts them in high demand. I first learned about this belief when I was reading the non-fiction book My Life as an Indian, a memoir of James Willard Schultz, a white man who married into the Blackfoot tribe and lived among them for many years. The respect for the white buffalo originally began with the Sioux, and they have a legend about the White Buffalo Woman that I won’t take time to share here (though you can read about it in Rocky Mountain Promise!). The deep respect for a white buffalo spread quickly among all the tribes and the trappers who lived in the Rockies and the surrounding plains, and such a creature (or even its hide) became one of the most sought after treasures in that day! In Lorelei’s story, trapper and Indian alike show up in their cabin yard to see the remarkable white calf, some trying to woo her into marriage so she’ll bring the buffalo calf along as dowry. Others try to steal the calf outright. She ends up taking drastic measures to protect both the calf and her family. Any guess what she did? I pray you love Rocky Mountain Promise as much as I do! Blessings! Misty
It's Time For A Giveaway!To celebrate her tour, Misty is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries! Blog StopsBabbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, November 29 Life on Chickadee Lane, November 30 Pens Pages & Pulses, November 30 Betti Mace, December 1 Wishful Endings, December 1 Lighthouse Academy Blog, December 2 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway) Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 2 Texas Book-aholic, December 3 Splashes of Joy, December 3 Locks, Hooks and Books, December 4 For Such A Time As This – Miriam Jacob, December 4 lakesidelivingsite, December 5 Library Lady’s Kid Lit, December 5 Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 6 Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 6 Life, Love, Writing, December 7 Avid Reader Nurse, December 7 Cover Lover Book Review, December 8 Tell Tale Book Reviews, December 9 For Him and My Family, December 9 Jeanette’s Thoughts, December 10 Exploring the Written Word, December 10 Holly’s Book Corner, December 11 Blossoms and Blessings, December 11 Lily’s Corner, December 12 Pause for Tales, December 12 You’ve grown up with this story, and now you
Award-winning author Loretta Eidson loves writing inspirational romantic suspense. Her first novel, Pursued in the Wilderness, published by Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense, won the 2023 Romance Novel of the Year award in AWSA’s (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) Golden Scroll Awards and was a finalist in the 2023 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Director’s Choice Award in General Fiction. She believes in the power of prayer and enjoys challenging her characters to trust God in all things. Loretta is an AWSA Certified Coach for aspiring writers, and she lives in North Mississippi, close to her family. |
Blog Stops
Excerpt Two: https://coverloverbookreview.blogspot.com/2023/11/the-marines-deadly-reunion.html
Excerpt Three: https://musingsbymaureen.blogspot.com/2023/12/celebrate-lit-presents-marines-deadly.html
Excerpt Four: http://montanamade.weebly.com/tell-tale-book-reviews/celebrate-lit-epic-book-launch-the-marines-deadly-reunion-by-loretta-eidson
Excerpt Five: https://moments-of-beauty.blogspot.com/2023/11/epic-book-launch-marines-deadly-reunion.html
Excerpt Six: https://www.amoderndayfairytale.net/2023/12/the-marines-deadly-reunion-epic-book.html
Excerpt Seven: http://kid-lit.library-lady.blog/excerpt-the-marines-deadly-reunion-epic-book-launch/
11th Blogoversary Celebration - The Story Behind The Story by Linda Shenton Matchett (Give.away)
World War II is finally over, and America is extra grateful as the country approaches this year’s Thanksgiving. But for Francine life hasn’t changed. Despite working at Fort Meade processing the paperwork for the thousands of men who have returned home, she’s still lonely and very single. Is she destined for spinsterhood?
Grateful that his parents anglicized the family surname after emigrating to the United States after the Great War, first-generation German-American Ray Fisher has done all he can to hide his heritage. He managed to make it through this second “war to end all wars,” but what American woman would want to marry into a German family. Must he leave the country to find wedded bliss?
By Linda Shenton Matchett
Authors are often asked where they get their plot ideas. I’ve been inspired by snippets of overheard conversations, Bible stories, scenes from movies or books, historical events and people, and suggestions from readers. The possibilities are endless!
Francine’s Foibles is part of the Thanksgiving Books & Blessings Collection Six, and is an off-shoot of last year’s book, Estelle’s Endeavor. Francine O’Malley was a secondary character in the book, and I thought she deserved her own happily ever after. But how to do that?
Like Estelle’s Endeavor, Francine’s Foibles would be set in Laurel, Maryland where my mom grew up. While perusing a map of the area, I noticed Fort Meade, located a mere ten miles away and remembered the stories Mom told me about her time working there after the Korean War. Her face would light up as she explained that one of her responsibilities was processing the soldiers’ DD214 discharge forms. The job itself was somewhat tedious, but she loved being a warm smile and kind word to these men who been in warfare, some bearing the invisible wounds of horrific memories.
Unfortunately, Mom passed away in 2022, so I was unable to question her further, but research unearthed much of what my memory had lost. With the thousands of men returning, speed was of the essence, hundreds of women were hired to handle their paperwork. Rightfully so, Mom was proud of her typing capabilities on a monstrosity of a manual typewriter, rather than the easy keying on an electric! More than 3.5 million men went through Meade between 1942 and 1946, with a peak personnel figure of 70,000 – a city unto its own, and more than twice the size of Laurel. Mom and my character Francine were initially overwhelmed with the volume of people and miles of roads. Big adjustments for these small-town girls.
A year later, Mom married Dad and followed him to Lake Charles, Louisiana where he was stationed with the Army. During one time of sharing her memories, she alluded to how Meade had prepared her for the experience of living on base. After his stint in the army, Dad entered the reserves and got a job with “big business,” first City Service (Citco), then IBM. Despite moving several times, raising four kids, and serving as pianist at all the churches the family attended, Mom never forgot the year she spent at Fort Meade, and I hope Francine’s Foibles honors her and those memories in some small way.
Linda Shenton Matchett writes happily-ever-after historical Christian fiction about second chances and women who overcome life’s challenges to be better versions of themselves. Whether you choose her books set in the Old West or across the globe during WWII, you will be immersed in the past through rich detail. Follow the journeys of relatable characters whose faith is sorely tested, yet in the end, emerge triumphant. Be encouraged in your own faith-walk through stories of history and hope.
A native of Baltimore, Maryland, she moved often while growing up because of her dad’s job. The last stop was the Washington, DC area where she lived on both the Maryland and Virginia “side of the bridge.” |
Human Resources professional by day, and a volunteer docent and archivist for the Wright Museum of WWII during her off hours.
Website/Blog/Newsletter Signup: http://www.LindaShentonMatchett.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lindashentonmatchettsreadersgroup
Moments in History: http://www.youtube.com/@lindamatchett
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/linda-shenton-matchett
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author_linda_matchett
It's Time For A Giveaway!
As a Guardian of the Forest, Raela’s duties are clear: honor the sentient elements, foster the life of the forest, and protect them all from the danger of fairy circles. Yet, she finds herself aching for more. After the first man she has ever seen stumbles into her meadow, she begins to wonder questions that she should have had answers to all along: Where are her parents? What are her aunties hiding? And is there more out there for her after all?
When the fairy returns for revenge, Killian must overcome his fears and fight for his father, his throne, and the woman he loves. He cannot afford to fail now, or he will lose them all.
Upon A Prince, a multi-author series of clean fairy tale retellings. Each
standalone story features a swoony prince fighting for his happily ever after.
Interview with Raela and Killian
from The Awakened Prince
Raela: I am an extrovert. I prefer to be outside, not in. -Killian leans into whisper in her ear-- Yes, what is it Killian? Extravert—ooh. I’m sorry. I like people, but I would rather be in the woods alone. -she nudges him- or with you or Jax.
Killian: whereas I’m probably an extro, though my work can wear me out.
-a rustling sounds outside the door-
Raela: Both. Please put the chocolate on the strawberry. My aunties did not have chocolate in the forest.
Killian: Just the berry for me. Chocolate on occasion.
-the door opens wide as a massive black wolf crowds into the room-
Jax: I too want chocolate.
Killian: Jax, you can’t have chocolate. It will kill you.
Jax: I am ancient and wise.
Killian: and you’ll be dead.
Jax: My nose and my magic will protect me. I need to have some.
Raela: -whispers- I’ll give you some… -Killian glares at her- I mean some chicken later. Don’t you worry.
Killian: Don’t you join up with him. He’s sneaky.
Jax: Charming. Friendly. Deserving.
Killian: Ridiculous.
-a massive man pushes into the space as well-
Phineas: Hi, am I late? Did I hear someone say chocolate?
Killian: Phin, this is our interview, what are you doing here?
Phineas: Jax said Raela was in here.
Raela: Did you need something?
Killian: To go.
Phineas: My mom’s birthday is today, but look at this flower, someone sat on it.
Jax: Who set it on the ground. It is not my fault.
Raela: -uses her magic to rally the plant back to brilliance.
Phineas: thanks, come on Jax, we aren’t wanted.
Jax: I am always wanted. But you… I shall come so you won’t be lonely.
Phineas: so kind…
Killian: So anyways. Next question?
Raela: I like his hair, and his kisses, and his forearms. I also like his dancing.
Killian: she said one thing.
Raela: That is impossible.
Killian: So what drives you crazy?
Raela: Nothing.
Killian: no really, be honest.
Raela: -heavily sighs- you still cut me roses from the garden.
Killian: I thought it was romantic! Wake up, see flower, love me. Easy recipe.
Raela: It is like murder! Let them live! The flowers want to be connected to the magic, let them be.
Killian: can I bring you breakfast in bed then?
Raela, considering: this would be fine. You can do this thing.
And you, Killian?
Killian, studying Reala: probably her joy of life. She is all things brightness, and beauty and bold colors. I wish I had half of her violent happiness.
Raela: and what could I do to make you crazy?
Killian: Well, when that violent happiness is turned into dancing you make the wind sweep all my papers off my desk. It takes forever to re-sort them.
Raela: I will keep my happiness over here then. – she scooches her chair over-
-dragging her chair back to him, he pulls her close-
Killian: you will do no such thing. It is a challenge, but I want you with me.
Raela: I hope that people will bloom where they are planted. Family is what you make, whether blood or bond.
Killian: For me, I hope they learn earlier than I did about how to forgive yourself, and how to stick through it. It’s not easy, but the difficult things are worth fighting for.
Raela: -takes his hand- you are worth fighting for.
Raela: Babies. We will have many.
Killian: -chokes and spews his water- well yes, children. But how many do you mean to have?
Raela: How many can one have? Mother Bear has had many liters. And the coyotes have seven at a time.
Killian: Humans are not so many, one or two at a time. but some have… -he pulls his collar- a lot. But we have countries to run, we don’t want too many. What about two?
Raela: Ten? We have so much love, we must share it.
Killian: Two. Can focus the love.
Raela: You need more love, Killian. We will talk about this later.
Killian, taking her hand: Don’t give up hope. Ever. Even when it is dark. Even when all you hear is lies. The light is coming.
Some say all Sophia Randall thinks of are romance novels and dance frocks… That may have been true once, but when war broke out, reaching even to our isolated corner of the bush, my priorities changed. I now read news from afar and dance but rarely. Only my love for the Almighty God, for family and friends, for the man who captured my heart, for the bush, and for the call of the curlew haven’t changed. Especially the call of the curlew. Some say it’s mournful—even sinister—but I’ve always delighted in that lonely cry heralding the end of another day. And when Kenny went off to war, it became a promise—a reminder of his love and determination to return. |
But is all lost? Would the pain in my heart be easier to bear if I stopped to listen for the curlews’ call?
Loosely based on “The Boy Who Disappeared”, When the Curlews Call is a story of ghostly doings, missing airmen, and a young girl desperate to keep the home fires burning when all hope seems lost. Told through a series of letters, readers will follow Sophia’s journey, sharing her triumphs and trials all through the long, dark days of World War II.
Release Date: September 5, 2023
Interview with Joanne
When the Curlews Call was my NaNoWriMo project a couple of years ago, so it took roughly a month.
Hans was a fun character. He doesn’t feature much, but he had a sense of humor that showed on the page, and was just that little bit wacky and wild enough to make him fun to write.
For this book, I needed names that were appropriate for the time period and the setting. As an Aussie myself, I was able to pull up my family tree and start looking for names. It took a little back and forth—sorting by preference, and then comparing the options to the characters to see what fit—but I was able to find a name for every main character from that tree. That took care of the setting—all of those names were used in Australia, so I didn’t have to worry about choosing a name that would have been out of place culturally. At the same time, I also made sure the names I chose were used in real life either during the time period my book was written or before. That way I knew for sure that anyone could have been called by those names and I wasn’t throwing something modern into an historical setting.
When I was doing the research for Curlews, I thought it would be a great idea to ask questions in a local-to-that area FB group. I’d been a member of that group for a while and knew that a lot of the older people in that group grew up in the area my book was set. They would often share a photo from that time period, or start reminiscing about the good old days, so surely they’d enjoy talking about the area if I worded my questions correctly…
And they did enjoy talking about the area. However, the moment I mentioned I was an author, they stopped talking. Any question I asked was met with complete silence, or a gruff, “Talk to So-and-so.” Which was all well and good, but the “So-and-so” they referred to just happened to be a local. And talking to anyone in person is kind of hard to do when I just happen to live on the other side of the globe! After a little butting up against a brick wall trying to explain that no, I couldn’t just drop by the nursing home and talk to this old-timer, one lady came back and pointed me in the direction of a website where I could search old newspapers. Thanks to extensive reading and saving articles that made any mention of the town (Blair Athol, Qld), most of the events my characters mention that happened in the area during the time of the book were real events taken from those newspapers.
Family… When I’m asked to share something about my family, nothing really seems interesting enough to tell. I was born in Australia and lived there until my hubby and I got married. Very soon after the wedding, we moved to the US and have lived here ever since. Kind of boring, really. However, if we go back a little further and dig a little more into the history of our families, things get a little more interesting.
One branch of my family tree can be traced back to 1808 when the first of our ancestors to set foot on Australian soil arrived as a convict. Jane was only 18 years old, and I’m not sure what she was sent to the penal colony for, but she met and married a fellow convict and went on to become a free settler and live out her life in Australia. Her only daughter married and had a daughter and if you continue the line from mother to daughter, eight generations later I was born.
Convicts aside, not all of my family were criminally minded. Many were free settlers. Others were upstanding citizens with interesting stories to tell like my Great-Great Grandfather who liked to tell people that he rode with Ned Kelly. Anyone who knows Australian history will know that Ned Kelly was a famous bushranger, rather notorious really. And they’ll also know the names of his gang, and none of those names coincided with any of the names on our family tree. Which would make it appear that this Great-Great Grandfather had fabricated the story. But he didn’t. It was true. He really did ride with Ned Kelly.
Maybe not in the way one would be led to believe, but one day he was riding down the road, minding his own business, when Ned Kelly rode out of the bush on the side of the track and fell in beside my Great-Great Grandfather. They continued on their way, riding side-by-side until Ned Kelly veered off the track again and disappeared into the bush.
Whichever way you look at it, he… rode with Ned Kelly.
To me, that was always interesting to think about. Did they talk? Did Ned Kelly have anything interesting to say? Did my Great-Great Grandfather feel threatened or concerned? I don’t know the answers to those questions, but I do know that he couldn’t have known that the man he rode beside had a sister or a cousin who went on to have a family, and that family line continued until it came to a man who got married and became a step-father to a man whose daughter is… writing this. Yep. On one side of the family you have a man who could joke about having ridden with Ned Kelly and on the other you have a direct descendant of someone related to Ned Kelly. How’s that for a cool coincidence?
Enjoy an Excerpt!
My dear friend Lilian,
The war has hardly begun and already I wish it were over! From the way they talk, we live in daily fear that my beloved brothers, Hans and Peter, will enlist. They hardly talk of anything else. Hans has begun to wave goodbye in the morning with a cheery—as only Hans can manage!—warning that Mum ought not be surprised if he should sign up before nightfall.
It’s only a joke, but there is a serious glint in his eyes that would seem to imply he is thinking it through. I don’t know why, but he seems to be biding his time.
Perhaps for Mum’s sake? It’s so near Christmas—only a little more than three months—it would not be a surprise if he waited until after that date, because we all know how much the Yuletide season means to our mother.
As much as I would hate to see them go, they feel very strongly about doing their bit. Which one cannot fault them for!
But when I think of the other boys from our district, my heart grows heavy. When will they feel the call to serve God and country? When will we be forced to say goodbye to those we love?
In particular, when will he feel the call to serve?
Oh, how I wish you were here so we could sneak away for one of our late-night yarns. Curled up in the hammocks with our blankets pulled to our chins, and the stars shining overheard as we share the deepest secrets of our hearts. I know you are doing the right thing there in the city, dearest Lilian, but oh, how I miss you!
Don’t mind me. It’s just that I feel particularly emotional tonight, and as I listen to the curlews call and try not to spill tears onto my paper, I will attempt to share as we used to do face to face.
Changes have come to our little town since you’ve been gone. The Salvation Army hall was sold to the Methodist church, and they have begun to remodel the building to be used for services. I miss our little meetings held there, but Mum is longing forward to the day when she can sit down in a good old-fashioned Methodist church again.
Did you know that the McCormicks regularly attend the Methodist church in Clermont?! I only learned that yesterday, and I learned it from a very reliable source.
Kenny! Yes, you read that right.
Kenneth McCormick himself told me that his family regularly attends church in Clermont, but now that we have our own little Methodist church, he might consider coming here. He’s often over this way to visit his cousin Duncan at the Birimgan sawmill, so he didn’t see why they couldn’t ride into Blair Athol for church before he goes back to his father’s station, Wallaby Run.
I’m sure you are wondering how I came to be talking to Kenny, and that, my dear friend, is why I wish you were here. It would be so much easier to tell you what happened than to write it out. But we cannot change our circumstances by wishing, so I’ll do my best.
Early yesterday morning, Dad trucked a huge load of wethers in. There was a slight mix-up in the time the train arrived, so the man who’d arranged to meet Dad hadn’t come by the time the train got here. I don’t know how or why, but there wasn’t anyone around to help unload, so Dad had me help. He had me don a pair of Peter’s dungarees and boots that were at least a dozen sizes too big. My only hope was that no one would see me, but sadly that wasn’t the case because…
Partway through unloading, Dad called for me to go into the yard with the sheep to close a gate. That would have been all fine and dandy, but just as I got the gate halfway closed, the sheep, being sheep, decided they didn’t want to be in that yard. They wanted to be in the other yard. The one I was trying to close them out of. So, they turned and charged, bleating like their lives depended on it.
I heard yelling but couldn’t decipher the meaning due to the noise of the bleating. All that came to mind was the need to get that gate closed.
However, remember those boots I had to wear? One caught on the other, and instead of closing the gate, the only feat I managed was to fall on my face in the dirt and muck in front of a mob of four thousand charging sheep.
I barely had time to cover my head with my arms before the first sheep rushed by me. My last thought was that this was it. I would never see Mum, Dad, my brothers, you, or Kenny ever again. All I could do was pray that the end would come as swiftly and as painlessly as possible.
Then something strange happened. Instead of being trampled to death, my body rose above the sheep. In my wild, fear-addled state, I momentarily thought death had come and my body being transported to the afterlife. I don’t think it happens that way, but one doesn’t think clearly when one is under the shocking impression one has died!
Only a moment passed before I realized that it wasn’t an angel carrying me, it was a man. One whose voice I recognized as Kenny’s the moment he yelled to Dad that I was okay.
But I wasn’t okay!
It's Time For A Giveaway!
a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!
Blog Stops
Locks, Hooks and Books, December 2
Beauty in the Binding, December 3 (Author Interview)
Life on Chickadee Lane, December 3
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 4
Artistic Nobody, December 5 (Author Interview)
Texas Book-aholic, December 6
Tell Tale Book Reviews, December 7 (Author Interview)
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 8
Guild Master, December 9 (Author Interview)
Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 10
Fiction Book Lover, December 11 (Author Interview)
Holly’s Book Corner, December 11
Connie’s History Classroom, December 12
Through the Fire Blogs, December 13 (Author Interview)
For Him and My Family, December 14
Amish Romance
Hattie Schrock’s lively optimism makes her the Widows Club’s most outgoing member. The circle has helped her through widowhood—and in building a thriving popcorn shop with her cousin. So when Elsie bets Hattie that she can’t help Paradise Valley’s most cantankerous man learn to be happier, Hattie tackles the challenge head-on. But what can she do when she finds Christian Beachy is far more complicated—and appealing—than she thought?
Christian lives his faith through hard work, supporting his overbearing sister, and growing the Valley’s best vegetables. After all, a good Amish man should be dedicated to duty. Yet suddenly, Hattie’s warm-hearted attentions and knack for unexpected adventures is showing him life can be so much more—especially if Hattie can share it with him. But when he discovers her wager, can she and the Widows Club ever convince him that her growing love is the real thing—and that risking together forever will be the sweetest, most fulfilling chance of all?
You know, sometimes you just need to sit down, take a little time out, and let yourself drift away reading a sweet romance. The Paradise Valley series from Amy Lillard is always good for that in my opinion. The characters are likable but flawed, they have realistic problems that they work through, and in the the 'boy' finally gets the 'girl'. I, of course, use those terms loosely because...
One of the things that I love best about Amy Lillard's Paradise Valley series with its band of 'Whoopie Pie' Widows is the variety in ages of the heroes and heroines – from early 20s to grandmothers. When Hattie Finds Love is the perfect example of this as both Hattie and Christian have grown children and a small flock of grandchildren. I really like how each generation has problems that are different and that are the same. The humorous moments such as Christian and Hattie with the bicycle are perfect alongside the more poignant ones.
A friendly warning while reading When Hattie Finds Love, don't read it hungry because if the whoopie pies don't get your stomach growling Hattie and her cousin's popcorn certainly will.
If you love sweet Amish romances that are not just cookie cutter of every other one that you've read, I'd definitely recommend When Hattie Finds Love and the rest of the charming Paradise Valley series from Amy Lillard. They are all easy reads and will make you smile...
Tell Tale Book Reviews gives When Hattie Finds Love by Amy Lillard a 4 Bark rating.
12th Blogoversary
Reading and history have been my passion since early childhood when my parents encouraged both. I was introduced to Christian fiction around age 4-5 while listening to radio drama adaptations of books by great authors including Janette Oke. I have been a voracious reader and avid library patron ever since. I started Tell Tale Book Reviews in December 2012. I am also an active volunteer in the areas I hold most dear, library, museum, and pets. Hobbies include a small bead jewelry business, watching classic movies/ TV, listening to Irish/Celtic music, and autograph collecting.
Born in October, he was a purebred Alaskan Malamute. His red fur and sparkling green eyes highlighted his happy and loving personality. He loved walks, hugs, sneaking human food treats, and Milk Bones.
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August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022
October 2022
September 2022
August 2022
July 2022
June 2022
May 2022
April 2022
March 2022
February 2022
January 2022
December 2021
November 2021
October 2021
September 2021
August 2021
July 2021
June 2021
May 2021
April 2021
March 2021
February 2021
January 2021
December 2020
November 2020
October 2020
September 2020
August 2020
July 2020
June 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
December 2018
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
August 2018
July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
January 2018
December 2017
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017
August 2017
July 2017
June 2017
May 2017
April 2017
March 2017
February 2017
January 2017
December 2016
November 2016
October 2016
September 2016
August 2016
July 2016
June 2016
May 2016
April 2016
March 2016
February 2016
January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
October 2015
September 2015
August 2015
July 2015
June 2015
May 2015
April 2015
March 2015
February 2015
January 2015
December 2014
November 2014
October 2014
September 2014
August 2014
July 2014
June 2014
May 2014
April 2014
March 2014
February 2014
January 2014
December 2013
November 2013
October 2013
September 2013
August 2013
July 2013
June 2013
May 2013
April 2013
March 2013
February 2013
January 2013
December 2012
2.5 Barks
3.5 Barks
3 Barks
4.5 Barks
4 Barks
5 Barks
Abigail Manning
Abigail Wilson
A.D. Lawrence
A.G. Marshall
Alana Terry
Allie Pleiter
Allison Pittman
Alton Gansky
Alyssa Schwarz
Amanda Barratt
Amanda Cox
Amanda Flower
Amanda G. Stevens
Amanda Wen
Ambassador International
Amber Weigand-Buckley
Amory Cannon
Amy C. O'Reilly
Amy Earls
Amy Lillard
Amy Lynn Walsh
Amy Walsh
Andrea Jo Rodgers
Andrew Huff
Angela Breidenbach
Angela Hunt
Angela K Couch
Angela K. Couch
Angela Ruth Strong
Angie Dicken
Anita Higman
Anna Schmidt
Anne Elisabeth Stengl
Anne Patrick
Annette K. Larsen
Anne Wilson
Ann Gabhart
Ann Tatlock
Anthem Lights
April 2013
April 2020
April 2021
April 2022
April 2023
April 2024
Ashley Bustamante
Ashley Clark
August 2013
August 2019
August 2020
August 2021
August 2022
August 2023
August 2024
Author Of The Month
Ava Mallory
Aveline Brooke
Barbara Early
Barbara M. Britton
Bethany House
Beth White
Betsy St. Amant
Blog Tour
Bonnie Calhoun
Book Blast
Book Store
Book Trailer
Brandilyn Collins
Brandy Steffensen
Brenda S. Anderson
Brett Armstrong
Brittany Fichter
Brooke Williams
Callie Thomas
Camille Elliot
Camille Peters
Camy Tang
Candace Kade
Candice Sue Patterson
Carole Brown
Carol James
Carol J. Post
Carol Moncado
Carolyn Miller
Carrie Daws
Carrie Fancett Pagels
Carrie Stuart Parks
Carrie Turansky
Caryl Mcadoo
Cassandra Clark
Cate Nolan
Cathy McDavid
C.B. Caleb Woodworth
CeCe Louise
Celebrate Lit
Celeste Baxendell
C.F.E. Black
Chapter Excerpt
Chautona Havig
Chawna Schroeder
Chevron Ross
Chris Morris
Christa Joy Spaeth
Chris Tomlin / Hillsong UNITED
Christy Barritt
Christy Hoss
Cindy Kelley
Cindy Thomson
Clara Diane Thompson
Clare Revell
Clarissa Kae
Colleen Coble
Coming Soon
Connie Queen
Connilyn Cossette
Cover Reveal
Crystal Caudill
Crystal D. Grant
C.S. Lewis
Cynthia Hickey
Dale Cramer
Dana Mentink
Dana R. Lynn
Daniel Petronelli
Dani Pettrey
Daphne Self
Darlene Corbett
Darlene Franklin
Darlene L. Turner
David James Warren
David Warren
Davis Bunn
Dawn Ford
Debby Giusti
Deborah Grace White
Deborah Malone
Deborah Raney
Deb Richardson-Moore
December 2012
December 2013
December 2018
December 2020
December 2021
December 2022
December 2023
December 2024
Denise Hunter
Denise Weimer
Dennis Conrad
Diana Li
Diann Mills
Dineen Miller
D.L. Wood
D.M. Griffin
Donna Jo Stone
Dorian Tsukioka
Dorothy Love
Dr. Joelle Suel
E Book
Edwina Kiernan
Elisabeth Brown
Elizabeth Camden
Elizabeth Goddard
Elizabeth Jacobson
Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elusive Hope
Elva Cobb Martin
Emily Conrad
Emily Golus
Emily Woodworth
Emma Clifton
Epic Book Launch
Erica Vetsch
Erin Bartels
Eryn Scott
Evelyn M. Hill
Everly Haywood
Family Camp
February 2013
February 2020
February 2021
February 2022
February 2023
February 2024
Fiona Veitch Smith
First Line Friday
Forsaken Dreams
Francine Rivers
Free Friday
Gabrielle Meyer
Gary Levox
Gayle Roper
Gilbert Morris
Gillian Bronte Adams
Ginger Garrett
G.L. Rasmussen
Goodreads Reading Challenge
Guest Post
Hallee Bridgeman
Hannah Linder
Hayden Wand
Heather Wood
Heather Woodhaven
Helena Smrcek
Helen Dent
Henry O. Arnold
Holiday Reads
Hope White
In Theaters
I Read With Audra
Irene Hannon
Jaime Jo Wright
James L Rubart
James R. Hannibal
Janalyn Voigt
Jan Davis Warren
Janelle Mowery
Janette Oke
Janice Thompson
Janilise Lloyd
Jan Thompson
January 2013
January 2014
January 2021
January 2022
January 2023
January 2024
January 2025
J.D. Rushmore
Jeff S. Barganier
Jenelle Schmidt
Jenna Night
Jennifer Carr
Jennifer Lynn Cary
Jennifer Uhlarik
Jennings Wright
Jenny Williamson
Jen Turano
Jeremy Pierre
Jerry Root
Jerusha Agen
Jessica Dotta
Jessica R. Patch
Jill Eileen Smith
Jill Kemerer
Jill Weatherholt
Jill Williamson
Jim O'Shea
J.J. Fischer
JL Crosswhite
Joanna Davidson Politano
Joanne Markey
Jocelyn Green
Jody Hedlund
Johanna Frank
John L. Moore
John Walker
Joy K. Massenburge
Joy Margetts
Judy DuCharme
Julia Keanini
Julie C. Gilbert
Julie Lessman
July 2013
July 2021
July 2022
July 2023
July 2024
June 2013
June 2021
June 2022
June 2023
June 2024
Just Read Tours
JW Gilbert
Kara Swanson
Karen Baney
Karen Grunst
Karen Kingsbury
Karen Randau
Karin Kaufman
Kari Trumbo
Kat Anderson
Kate Angelo
Kate Breslin
Kate Lloyd
Kathleen Fuller
Kathleen J. Robison
Kathleen Turner
Kathleen Ybarbo
Kathryn Radaker
Kathy Cassel
Kaycee Browning
Kayla E. Green
Keely Brooke Keith
Keith B. Perrin
Kellie Coates Gilbert
Kellie Vanhorn
Kelli Stuart
Kelly Irvin
Kellyn Roth
Kelly Underwood
Kendra E. Ardnek
Kerry Johnson
Kimberley Woodhouse
Kimberly Pearl
Kimberly Rose Johnson
Kim McMahill
Kirthana J
K.J. Rowe
K.M. Waller
Kristen Heitzmann
Kristen Terrette
Kurt Mahler
Lacy Williams
Laine Lawson Craft
Laura Conaway
Lauraine Snelling
Laurel Blount
Lauren H. Brandenburg
Laurie Winter
Lea Doue
Leialoha Humpherys
Lenora Nazworth
L.E. Richmond
Liana George
Lilly Maytree
Linda Kozar
Linda K. Rodante
Linda Shenton Matchett
Linda Wood Rondeau
Lindsay A. Franklin
Lion Fiction
Lisa Burris Burns
Lisa Harris
Lisa J. Flickinger
Lisa M. James
Lisa Phillips
Lisa Renee
Lisa Schnedler
Lisa T Bergren
Lisa T. Bergren
Lis Wiehl
Liz Johnson
Liz Tolsma
Loretta Eidson
Lori DeJong
Lori Z. Scott
Louie Giglio
Love Inspired
Luana Ehrlich
Lucinda J. Miller
Lydia Mae
Lyndsey Lewellen
Lynette Eason
Lynne Gentry
Lynnette Bonner
Lynn H. Blackburn
Lynn U. Watson
Maegan M. Simpson
March 2013
March 2021
March 2022
March 2023
March 2024
Margaret Daley
Marguerite Martin Gray
Marilyn Turk
Marisa Masterson
Mark Neal
Marta Perry
Mary Alford
Mary Connealy
Marylu Tyndall
Mary Mecham
May 2013
May 2021
May 2022
May 2023
May 2024
Megan Besing
Melanie Dickerson
Melanie Stevenson
Melissa Kosci
Melissa Koslin
Melissa Tagg
Melody Carlson
Mesu Andrews
Mia Ross
Michael Landon Jr6e2c306e14
Michelle De Bruin
Michelle Griep
Michelle Redmon
Michelle Sass Aleckson
Mike Bogue
Mike Nappa
Mindy Obenhaus
Miralee Ferrell
Misty M Beller
Mollie Rushmeyer
Momentum Influencer Network
Mona Hodgson
Monday Movies
Monique Bucheger
Montanamade By Jasmine
Morgan L. Busse
Movie Trailer
Murray Pura
Nadine Brandes
Nadine C. Keels
Nancy C. Williams
Nancy Mehl
Naomi Craig
Natalie Walters
New Release
Nicki Chapelway
Nicola Anderson
Non Fiction
November 2013
November 2020
November 2021
November 2022
November 2023
November 2024
Ocieanna Fleiss
October 2013
October 2020
October 2021
October 2022
October 2023
October 2024
Olivia Newport
Paige Edwards
Pamela Hart
Pam Hillman
Patricia Bradley
Pearl Harbor Day
Pegg Thomas
Pelican Group
Pepper Basham
Prairie Song
Pre Release
Prism Book Tours
Rachel Dylan
Rachel Fordham
Rachel Heffington
Rachelle Dekker
Rachelle Nelson
Rachel Scott McDaniel
Ramona K Cecil09842fa853
Ramona Richards
Raquel Byrnes
Reading Challenge
Rebecca Hemlock
Rebecca Krusee
Regina Jennings
Regina Scott
Rena Groot
Rene Gutteridge
Re Post
Rhonda Starnes
Rj Larsona13c45e272
Robin Lee Hatcher
Robin Miller
Robin Patchen
Robynne Elizabeth Miller
Ronie Kendig
Roseanna M White
Sami A. Abrams
Sandra Merville Hart
Sandra Robbins
Sara Brunsvold
Sara Davison
Sara Ella
Sarah Beran
Sarah Brunsvold
Sarah Hamaker
Sarah Hanks
Sarah S. Anderson
Sarah Sundin
Savannah Jezowski
Scavenger Hunt
Selina De Luca
September 2013
September 2020
September 2021
September 2022
September 2023
September 2024
Shaen Mehl
Shannon McDermott
Shannon McNear
Shannon Redmon
Shannon Sue Dunlap
Sharee Stover
Sharon Hinck
Shawn Grady
Sherri Shackelford
Shirlee Mccoy
Sofia Simpson
Sophia L
Stacy T. Simmons
Stephanie Ricker
Sunrise Publishing
Susan F Craft02365e4228
Susan G. Mathis
Susan Kimmel Wright
Susan May Warren
Susan Meissner
Susan Sleeman
Tabitha Bouldin
Tama Fortner
Tamela Hancock Murray
Tanya Stowe
Tara Grayce
Terrance J. Rollerson
Terri Blackstock
Terri J. Haynes
Terri Reed
Terry Overton
The Dead Sea Squirrels
Theresa Hall
Thomas Nelson
Thomas Nye
Throwback Thursday
Tina Radcliffe
Tina Wheeler
Tommy Nelson
Tonia Colleen Martin
Tracey Lyons
Tracie Peterson
Tracy Higley
Tricia Goyer
Vannetta Chapman
Vicki Hinze
Victoria McCombs
Virginia Carmichael
Virginia Vaughan
Wendy May Andrews
Whitaker House
Word Wednesday
Worldwind Blog Tours
Xochitl Dixon
Year In Review

DiAnn Mills - Author
Amanda D. - Publicist
Shelley Hitz - Author
Bethany House Staff Member
Susan F. Craft - Author