On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Book Tour Grand Finale for My Father's House By Rose Chandler Johnson
Suspense and romance mix in this inspiring story. We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops, go back and check them out now...
Launch - The Inspiration for My Father's House
The setting needed to play a critical part in the story as well. So, with my roots firmly planted in Georgia, I modeled my fictional town after so many small Southern towns, and I set in some of my love of nature. Being a Southerner, I had definite ideas about elements I needed for this story to come alive. Besides fascinating characters and a distinctive setting, there had to be a little crazy, eccentric, and some downright meanness, mixed with suspense, romance, and lots of southern charm. And if the story makes you long for dirt roads and blackberry picking, shade trees and front porch visiting, then I’ve done my job.
The Silver Dagger Scriptorium - A Sketch of Lily Rose’s Father, Michael Cates
Lily Rose’s relationship with her father sets the stage for her life and the story, My Father’s House. Although the reader gets only glimpses of her “Daddy”, they are telling glimpses which reveal who he is. Michael Cates takes the dominant role in his daughter’s early life and development. In that brief first chapter, the reader learns he takes particular pride and joy in his wife and daughter.
Wishful Endings - Excerpt
I followed him out onto the porch and watched him walk to the truck, stop, and turn. He fixed his gaze on me, and I knew he didn’t want to leave. I smiled then, and he nodded before getting in and backing down the driveway. He waved, and something about his smile and the gentle blue of the sky strengthened my heart. I watched him disappear down the street before I turned and walked back inside.
Falling Leaves - Excerpt
Something about his presence excited me. Maybe it was the way he lingered beside me and caressed me with his eyes. It was hard for me not to stare at his smooth olive hands as they moved back and forth around our table.
I suppose I got caught up in the moment because without thinking, I asked, “Would you take our picture?” I held the camera out at arm’s length to the dreamy eyed waiter. I smiled before saying “please” as sweet as pie.
Rockin' Book Reviews - Review
"What an excellent story! I really enjoyed reading it. . . . It was a good clean story with lots of action and suspense. I would recommend this book to all readers."
Tell Tale Book Reviews - Character Sketch of Lily Rose Cates
This dark-haired, green-eyed, slip of a girl is the protagonist of My Father’s House and the emotional heart of the story. The reader is drawn into her story that pulses with life, and can’t help feeling her joys, fears, and hopes. The development of Lily Rose’s character is central to the novel. As a child, she was nurtured and sheltered from the harsher realities of life. Innocent, good-hearted, with no experience with the evils of the world, the reader watches her struggle with her own naiveté and illusions of love.
Jessica and Gracie's Tree - The Antagonist and His Foil in My Father’s House
Sam is a foil to Manuel. Whereas Manny is controlling and harsh, Sam is soft spoken, easy-going and kind. Lily associates Manuel with cars, work, and high powered city living; whereas she constantly associates Sam with the animals, the outdoors, and community.
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My Father’s House is Rose’s first novel. Her devotional journal, God, Me, and Sweet Iced Tea: Experiencing God in the Midst of Everyday Moments won the Georgia Author of the Year Finalist Award in 2014. It was also awarded the Selah Finalist Award in the same year. Rose enjoys writing for her blog, Write Moments with God and engaging with her readers. A native Georgian, Rose has lived in a suburb of Augusta for the last thirty years. Before retiring from Georgia’s public school system, Rose taught English, French, and ESOL. She is currently an adjunct English instructor at a community college. In addition to reading and writing, Rose enjoys cooking, sewing, gardening, and spending time with her six children and their growing families. And yes, sweet iced tea is her beverage of choice.
Tour Giveaway
Copy of MY FATHER'S HOUSE (signed print if US, ebook if outside the US) and a $20 Amazon eGift Card Ends November 26th