Stop #5
Things I didn't know before I became a published author...
#3: What my family / strangers say when they find out I'm an author... Mostly they look at me suspiciously like I’m making it up or something. They also assume I write for children, since I am a retired teacher. I find people generally don’t know what to ask about this strange profession so they usually change the subject which is fine because I don’t really love talking about myself.
#4. How it felt to go from being an anonymous person to having fans... Oh, I still feel anonymous! So many of my readers are spread all over the globe that if we ran into each other, it would probably feel like meeting for the first time. In the cyberworld, I have a tight knit, lovely family, but in my northern, California area I am completely unknown unless I’m speaking at an event or something like that.
#5: Strangest historical fact / interesting thing I've discovered in research...Reindeers eyes change colors depending on the season. I am not making this up. Maybe everyone else already knew about this but I was flabbergasted.
#6: How my own reading habits have changed... I’m just a horribly selective reader now. If the writing is slow or there’s nothing redeeming about the hero/heroine, I’m going to put that book down and not pick it up again. I don’t have the slightest bit of guilt about not finishing a book anymore.