Framed For Murder
Love Inspired Suspense
by Mary Alford
with author
Mary Alford
I’ve loved to read for as long as I can remember. I started out by reading Little House on The Prairie and then moved on to Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, but it wasn’t until I was a preteen that I became interested in putting the stories I’d created in my head down on paper. My first try was pretty bad. Filled with sappy romance and cliques, it’s tucked away in a drawer somewhere.
For me, years of struggling to keep the dream alive would come down to five minutes in the spotlight. In 2012, I entered the Speed Dating Contest that editor Emily Rodmell was hosting. I remember reading about the contest on the Harlequin website and going back and forth on whether or not to enter. You see, I’d entered contests before without much luck. In the end, I did enter and was one of the lucky ones who got an appointment to chat with Emily. |
And so, my husband and I drove to the small town of Pagosa Springs where I did the entire chat on my laptop in the parking lot outside of the Ace Hardware Store. My fingers were actually shaking so much I was convinced that I’d typed nothing but gibberish.
Yet in December 2012, Emily called to tell me I’d sold my first book to Love Inspired Suspense. To this day, I can’t tell you what she said to me other than that she wanted to buy FORGOTTEN PAST for Love Inspired Suspense. It was a surreal moment. One that still hasn’t fully sunken in. I write for Love Inspired Suspense! It's a great feeling to have your dream become a reality and even greater to hold your own book in your hands. Since that first call, I’ve sold five more books to Love Inspired Suspense. |
I am definitely a punster, but I’m trying to reform, so I’d say I’m somewhere in the middle now. I don’t want to go overboard on outlines and character workups, but it’s nice to have the story mapped out before you set down to write it. When submitting a new ideas to my publisher, I complete a detailed synopsis that outlines where I want the story to go. That helps keep me on track, but as I’ve learned through the years, sometimes my characters have a mind of their own and they take the story where they want it to go.
I’ve gotten good at completing a book very quickly. I can finish a Love Inspired Suspense story in less than two months. That’s a very rough draft, but then it allows me to go back through and flesh out the manuscript, working out any holes in the plot.
#4. What does a typical writing day look like for you? I start my day out by catching up on emails and doing some promotion. Then I begin my writing day. If I’m starting a new story, I set goals for myself on the word count I’d like to complete for each day. If I’m editing a manuscript, then I try to complete a certain number of pages. It’s all about discipline, which is critical when working on a deadline. |
For me, reading inspires creativity as does observing life. It’s amazing how a story idea can come from simply watching a news story on TV, or reading about something on the internet. Once the idea takes root, I let the story build in my head for a bit before I put it down on paper.
That we work very hard to create the story in our hearts. We put pieces of ourselves into each and every story you read. Writing isn’t just a job for us, it’s part of who we are and our mission.
When I first started writing seriously, I’d submit each new story query to the editor and wait with a nervous knot in my stomach. I received lots of rejections in the beginning. Some form letters, but some editors would take the time to tell me what they liked about the story and what needed improvement. The one rejection letter that stands out in my mind is when I received a form letter addressed to another author. I still wonder if she received my form letter, or maybe my acceptance. I can laugh about it now. At the time, not so much. |
There have been so many. I have many author friends who are there to encourage and give advice when needed. The authors that sealed my decisions to write romantic suspense are Victoria Holt and Phyllis Whitney. I started reading them when I was quite young and devoured every single book they wrote. Still do.
I’d like to tell every reader how much their support means to me as an author. I love hearing from readers, and reviews are so important. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all!
- Mary Alford -
I was inspired to become a writer after reading such romantic suspense greats as Victoria Holt and Phyllis Whitney. Soon creating characters and throwing them into dangerous situations that test their faith came naturally for me. In 2012, I entered the Speed Dating contest hosted by Love Inspired Suspense and later received “the call”. In addition to writing for Love Inspired Suspense, I also writes Christian romance and sweet romance. |