Aboard Providence scheduled for release in 2016
In her highly anticipated fourth book, Aboard Providence, Keith explores the history of her first series Uncharted. It follows the story of the founders as they leave everything they know to form a new colony. After an arduous voyage, Providence runs aground on an uncharted land in the South Atlantic Ocean. While the rest of the settlers celebrate finding the land they wanted, Jonah Ashton leaves the settlement to explore, expecting to find civilization nearby. He discovers a startling truth that will change his plans, but can it change his heart?
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Born in St. Joseph, Missouri, Keely Brooke Keith was a tree-climbing, baseball-loving ‘80s kid. She grew up in a family who frequently relocated. By graduation, Keely lived in eight states and attended fourteen schools. Keely is a bass guitarist and plays on worship teams and for Christian artists. When she isn’t writing stories or playing bass, Keely enjoys having coffee with friends, preparing homeschool lessons, and collecting antique textbooks. Keely resides on a hilltop south of Nashville with her husband, Marty, and their daughter.
You can visit her online at |