Favorite Print Books From 2019
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new year and hope you will be joining us for...
Favorite Print Books From 2019Here is a list of Tell Tale Book Reviews' favorite books read and reviewed in 2019. You can find all of these reviews and many more by visiting our Book Review List page FictionSecular FictionWe are excited to start reading and reviewing in the new year and hope you will be joining us for...
Celebrate Lit Blog Tour - The Yellow Lantern by Angie Dicken + Review & Guest Post & Giveaway8/26/2019
Genre: Christian Historical/Suspense Release Date: August, 2019 My Review Sometimes truth IS much stranger than fiction... To be perfectly honest, I picked up The Yellow Lantern because it was part of the True Colors series and I had absolutely no idea what it was about. I hadn't even read the back cover blurb on my copy when I started reading. Boy, was I in for a shock right off the bat. Seriously! The right there on the first page the heroine wakes up after having been presumed dead and actually buried! Trust me, Angie Dicken knows how to hook her readers right from the start and keep them good and hooked. I thought it a bit ironic that this book is about grave robbers and just a few days ago I was watching a short youtube biography/documentary about two real people convicted of just that offense. Weird, right? Anyway, The Yellow Lantern is an excellent addition to the True Colors series and I enjoyed it very much. It's deliciously dark and morbid in places. Manipulation, fear, betrayal, greed, and murder all have their places. But there is also a strong thread of hope, through faith,through the love in friendship and the love in romance. Angie Dicken has nicely packaged all of these threads in an entertaining and riveting story with roots in real events from history. Definitely a book that I would recommend... Tell Tale Book Reviews gives The Yellow Lantern by Angie Dicken a 5 Bark rating. (I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.) More from AngieBarbour’s True Colors Crime concept intrigued me from the very beginning. Being the daughter of a doctor and discovering the ties of grave robbing to the early medical profession, I was excited to dive deep into 19th century Massachusetts. Grave robbing around Boston and New York was often employed by doctors desperate for medical advancement. Men and women were both involved in the procuring of bodies for doctors. Finding these accounts led me to take took a look at the current medical remedies of the time—tinctures, elixirs, and herbal concoctions. My heroine was created in the tension of a desire to heal and the desperation of medical pursuits.
I found three strong threads to weave into my grave-robbing story—desperate doctors in need of research, a doctor’s assistant needing an escape from her village, and a mill, not only offering that escape, but the chance at bodies for the desperate medical community. My heroine, Josie Clay, found life in the tangle of these threads of mills, medicine, and grave robbing—all playing out within the pages of The Yellow Lantern.
It's Time For A Giveaway!To celebrate her tour, Angie is giving away a grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a paperback copy of each of the books in the series!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries! Blog StopsGenesis 5020, August 15 Seasons of Opportunities, August 15 All-of-a-kind Mom, August 15 Bigreadersite, August 16 Emily Yager, August 16 Inspired by fiction, August 16 The Christian Fiction Girl, August 17 Book Bites, Bee Stings, & Butterfly Kisses, August 17 Daysong Reflections, August 17 Retrospective Spines, August 18 Spoken from the Heart, August 18 Kathleen Denly, August 19 Through the Fire Blogs, August 19 Christian Bookaholic, August 19 Maureen’s Musings, August 20 For the Love of Literature, August 20 Simple Harvest Reads, August 21 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng) Godly Book Reviews, August 21 A Reader’s Brain, August 21 Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 22 Betti Mace, August 22 Locks, Hooks and Books, August 22 Hallie Reads, August 23 Mary Hake, August 23 Inklings and notions, August 23 Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, August 24 For Him and My Family, August 24 Stephanie’s Life of Determination, August 24 Connie’s History Classroom, August 25 Pause for Tales, August 25 Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 25 Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, August 26 Tell Tale Book Reviews, August 26 amandainpa, August 26 Blossoms and Blessings, August 27 Texas Book-aholic, August 27 janicesbookreviews, August 27 Back Porch Reads, August 28 Just the Write Escape, August 28
My Review
From very different backgrounds can they find love?
What a sweet historical romance! It's really hard to believe that this is one of Angie Dicken's first novels! My Heart Belongs In Castle Gate, Utah: Leanna's Choice is a wonderful addition to this fun series! Entertaining but taking on some difficult issues including prejudice and crippling regret. Prejudice is the enemy for Leanna and Alex, both of them even deal with it a little bit in their own hearts. I very much appreciated how the author, intentionally or not, portrayed that prejudice comes in many forms and from all directions. Readers will find themselves delighted as love and hope begin to win out over the darkness. My Heart Belongs In Castle Gate, Utah: Leanna's Choice is a lovely story, slim in size and in many ways a quick read, but definitely an enjoyable one. This book, and the entire series, is a must read for historical romance fans. And I think Angie Dicken will be a new author to watch... Tell Tale Book Reviews gives My Heart Belongs In Castle Gate, Utah: Leanna's Choice by Angie Dicken a 4 Bark rating.
(I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)
“Wait for the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD.” Psalm 27:14
I wrote a story five years ago. My footing was finally solid on how to write, after a couple ACFW conferences and connecting with my bestie writing sister, Ashley. So in 2012, I poured my heart out within the parameters of what I’d learned.
So, at ACFW 2012, I took my novel to conference with more confidence than I had before. This story caught the attention of an agent– and I signed a contract with the Steve Laube Agency in November of that year. That was amazing…I chuckle now because the name of the room that I interviewed with Tamela was the “McKee” room–the last name of my heroine. A sign? Maybe. When she sent my story out for all publishers to see that next month, I thought my time for that book was just around the corner.
And… Now it’s 2017, and that story is under contract with a publisher as of Fall 2016. What timing, right? Why the heck did it take so long? Not for lack of trying. My agent and I took every possible measure. Why did I get rejection after rejection, and write two other books in the wait? What happened between then? Only in looking back, do I see why I had to wait for this book. And when I look back, I realize just how much Timing is His and there’s nothing I can do to speed it up or make it mine. All I can do is take courage, and wait. I’ll give you a quick recap of what happened between 2013–when the book was put in the proverbial drawer of unwanted manuscripts–and now, 2017, the year it will get published (um, after a few rewrites and edits–always learning…).
And I spiraled and I came up for air to those authentic friendships speaking Truth in love. God knew what He was doing when He built my community, and He knew He would use it to lift me up and tear down my ugly.
There are several other moments and signs that I see as I look back, but I’m not going for the longest blog post of 2017, but I do want to share two sweet confirmations that the timing really is His.
I had secretly told those closest to me, that it would’ve been nice for it to come out in September instead… just because that’s when the book opens–September, 1893–the historical date of the Land Run.
So, what happens after I turn in my complete book a few days before its deadline? My editor tells me they bumped up my date to September of 2017. And I am sure, for them, it had nothing to do with the history, but for me, it was everything to do with the history–and His timing. Look for my debut novel, The Outlaw’s Second Chance this September! There’s more… My second contract came in! And this was a wonderful surprise. My agent and I had found out last spring that a new series was being launched based on geographical places around the U.S. I immediately thought of my Coal country story. So, I put together a proposal for a book I’d written long ago…and got a contract with Barbour this Fall for my novel, My Heart Belongs in Castle Gate, Utah. But, the timing? November 2017 is my release. God’s Timing in its finest…The book comes out during the centennial year of my grandfather’s birth. He was born in Dec. 1917 in Carbon County, Utah. My hero and my inspiration for this very book. I just can’t stop smiling at the chance to honor my late grandfather with a story written by his third generation Greek American granddaughter who was inspired by his roots grown a century ago. If only he could be here now. But I know he’s smiling, too. A century. It took a CENTURY. Only by God’s grace, and His perfect timing.
It's Time For A Giveaway!Blog Stops
October 31
A Baker’s Perspective Faithfully Bookish Caffeinated Reads November 1 Captive Dreams Window Reading Is My SuperPower November 2 A Greater Yes, Janices book reviews Daysong Reflections November 3 Red Headed Book Lady, Books, Books, and More Books. Just the Write Escape November 4 Carpe Diem, Christian Bookaholic November 5 Radiant Light, History, Mystery & Faith November 6 Chas Ray’s Book Nerd Corner, Texas Book-aholic November 7 Babs Book Bistro, Kristin’s Book Reviews November 8 Singing Librarian Books, Connie’s History Classroom November 9 D’S QUILTS & BOOKS J.E. Grace Christian Author Blog Neverending Stories November 10 Have A Wonderful Day Pause for Tales November 11 Tell Tale Book Reviews Mary Hake Splashes of Joy November 12 Bigreadersite Blossoms and Blessings Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations November 13 Vicky Sluiter Bibliophile Reviews |
12th Blogoversary Author
Reading and history have been my passion since early childhood when my parents encouraged both. I was introduced to Christian fiction around age 4-5 while listening to radio drama adaptations of books by great authors including Janette Oke. I have been a voracious reader and avid library patron ever since. I started Tell Tale Book Reviews in December 2012. I am also an active volunteer in the areas I hold most dear, library, museum, and pets. Hobbies include a small bead jewelry business, watching classic movies/ TV, listening to Irish/Celtic music, and autograph collecting. Our Rating System
1 Bark - OK 2 Barks - Good! 3 Barks - Great! 4 Barks - Excellent! 5 Barks - WOW! + Barks - .5 (1/2) If I consider a book less than OK I won't review it.
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Your blog is one of the most professional that I've seen. Thanks so much for hosting me!
DiAnn Mills - Author Jasmine, WOW! This post is incredible. Once again, you've blown us away by going above and beyond, from the Baltimore fun facts, to the amazing nautical divider graphics, and everything in between. Thank you for the amazing blessing of this post, of your time, and of who you are!
Amanda D. - Publicist I've been on your site and reading your reviews. Good stuff there.
Shelley Hitz - Author It is always refreshing to visit your blog and we really appreciate the thought you put into everything. I’m looking forward to your future reviews.
Bethany House Staff Member Jasmine, what a lovely surprise to read your review. I'm so pleased that you like The Chamomile. And five barks - I'm smiling.
Susan F. Craft - Author |