How It Works
2. There will be a total of ten numbered stops. Each stop will contain the answer to the corresponding numbered clue. Clues can be found at the bottom of each post and in the Rafflecopter form in Stop #10. (example: Stop #1 will have the answer to Clue #1.)
3. There are ten giveaways and there will be ten winners. Each author will be participating in the giveaway and all giveaway items will be sent by the individual authors.
4. The giveaway includes a mix of print and ebooks so you must be able to accept ebooks. All print books will be sent to US winners only.
5. All clues are required in the Rafflecopter form and must have the correct answer. Please do not post the answers in the comments, use the Rafflecopter form in Stop #10 ONLY.
6. Winners will be notified via email and will have 7 days to respond with the necessary information.
7. Feel free to comment on each post but it's not required.
8. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
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