2016 Reading Challenge
Jasmine has completed her goal of reading 75 books in 2016!
I am by no means done with reading for this year, couldn't stop even if I wanted to, which I don't, and I may even up my goal eventually, but for now I am basking in my accomplishment. A job well enjoyed and well done.
2016 Stats
Started: January 1st
Completed: June 24th
Number of Books Ahead of Schedule: 40
Total Pages Read: 19,410
Fiction: 69 Non-Fiction: 5 Humor: 1
Print Books: 57 E-Books: 17 Audiobooks: 1
Dust And Obey by Christy Barritt
Random Acts Of Malice by Christy Barritt
Cold Shot by Dani Pettrey
Curio by Evangeline Denmark
My Brother Michael by Mary Stewart
(secular fiction)
(June 12th, 1978)
date (1934) but the copy I read was printed in 1978, after My Brother Michael.
A Walk Through The Waters by Lynnette Bonner
(June 21st, 2016)