Fred Astaire ■ Ginger Rogers
Dr. Tony Flagg's friend, Steven, has problems in the relationship with his fiancee, Amanda, so he persuades her to visit Dr. Flagg. After some minor misunderstandings, she falls in love with Dr. Flagg. When he tries to use hypnosis to strengthen her feelings for Steven, things get complicated I have no idea why it's taken me so long to do Carefree as a Monday Movie, it is, after all, my favorite Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movie. They did 10 movies together and they are all good in their own way, but, this one of is my favorite. Maybe it has something to do with the scene featuring a hypnotized Ginger, a billy club, and a plate glass window... As the title implies there is nothing serious about this movie. It's a lighthearted feel-good story that's sole purpose is to amuse and entertain. And, boy, does it! From Fred's wild ride on a runaway bicycle, to the strangest dream-inducing meal in movie history, and on to Ginger's rampage that leaves a skeet shooting party cowering in terror, you're in for a real load of fun. One fun fact about the film is that of the ten movies Fred & Ginger did together this is the only one where Fred isn't in show business of some kind. Yes, it is kinda funny thinking of Fred Astaire as a psychiatrist! One other interesting thing is that the final release doesn't feature very many dance scenes between Fred and Ginger, only four, though one of them is a fairly extended dream sequence brought on by one gastronomically terrorizing supper. There's nothing to really worry about your kids seeing in Carefree, it's just all-around classic 1930s black/white good fun. It is all of the best in screwball romantic comedy from an era that knew how to do the genre up right... 1 hour 23 minutes | Principal Cast Fred Astaire...Tony Flagg Ginger Rogers...Amanda Cooper Ralph Bellamy...Stephen Arden Luella Gear...Aunt Cora Jack Carson...Connors Clarence Kolb...Judge Travers Franklin Pangborn...Roland Hunter Walter Kingsford...Dr. Powers Kay Sutton...Miss Adams Quotes Tony Flagg: Say, Steve, when I went to Switzerland you never drank like this. How long have you been tight? Stephen Arden: Three days: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Tony Flagg: And all because this Amanda What's-Her-Name broke her engagement to you? Stephen Arden: Yeah, for the third time. Tony Flagg: What happened the other two times? Stephen Arden: I got stiff. Connors: I hope she changes her mind before you get DTs. Tony Flagg: There's a Miss Cooper waiting for me. She's another one of those dizzy, silly, maladjusted females who can't make up her mind. I'll probably find out she hasn't got one. Tony Flagg: Well, you do know that you have two minds: The conscious and the subconscious. Amanda Cooper: Really? Tony Flagg: The conscious mind is the ego. That's the thing that says, "I am I, and you are you." Amanda Cooper: Mine never said that. Tony Flagg: I wish you'd please understand that I'm only trying to help you find yourself. Amanda Cooper: Well, if I ever get lost, I'll call on you Aunt Cora: It seems silly to keep it a secret. He said he wanted to psychoanalyze you on your bicycle. Amanda Cooper: Oh, so that's why we came. Aunt Cora: I wouldn't mind being analyzed by him on my bicycle. Or on anything, come to think of it. |