Hear more about the value of homeschooling from a homeschool dad himself: Kirk Cameron!
BUY TICKETS now to see The Homeschool
Awakening in theaters nationwide June 13 & 14!
Homeschooling has become a hot topic, particularly over the last couple of years. All of a sudden the families who were once assumed to be just plain weird and even borderline antisocial were the people to talk to when most parents abruptly had to deal with their kids at home all of the time.
I was curious to see The Homeschool Awakening as soon as I heard about it. I've been out of school more years than I shall admit here and I wondered how our ever-changing world has affected the rapidly expanding homeschooling community. In this documentary Kirk Cameron, whose own kids were homeschooled, throws open wide the door into what many assume to be the mysterious world of homeschooling. Through interviews with parents and kids alike, he explores the reasons why families have made the choice to homeschool, how each family tailors their homeschooling experience to fit their own families, responds to some of the myths about homeschoolers, and offers encouragement to those considering homeschooling.
My mom chose to homeschool my younger brother and I right from the start after our then local public school system drastically failed our older brother with a combination of poor teaching and downright abuse. It wasn't popular back then, co-ops and groups were nearly unheard of, but homeschooling made the difference for us. For our family the freedom to work with and around some long-term health effects and to make our own schedule was so very important.
Even though I am out of the (home)schoolroom and have no kids of my own I still found this very well-made documentary to be surprisingly encouraging for me personally. I have always been thankful that I was homeschooled but I took away a renewed sense of the value of the knowledge and skills I learned. I was reminded that every person is smart in their own way, and that just because my choices after and because of being homeschooled, have been unconventional doesn't diminish what I have to give.
Whether you have been homeschooling for years or are only now thinking about making the jump The Homeschool Awakening is fascinating, thought-provoking, and full of encouragement. Don't let anyone convince you that your are inferior and can't teach your kids, after all, who knows your kids and is more qualified to help them learn and grow than YOU!
Tell Tale Book Reviews gives The Homeschool Awakening a 4.5 Bark rating.