My Brother's Keeper
Am I My Brother's Keeper? While that question goes back nearly to the dawn of time it's one that we are still asking today. And, it's one that this Christian drama film explores while entertaining viewers. Toss in a mystery, some extra danger, and a dash of romance, and you have a movie that I enjoyed.
I applaud the moviemakers for taking on a topic that can affect anyone, Christian or not. PTSD has had many names over the years but it's only been more recently that we have become at least slightly more comfortable talking about it. While, My Brother's Keeper couldn't go quite as in depth, not in a 90 minute runtime, it still brings awareness and it asks some important questions. One of my favorite aspects of the story is that Travis doesn't have all of his problems solved and tied up in a neat bow at the end, instead he is on a journey of healing and faith.
I will note that this movie is rated PG-13, which, in my opinion, is a fair rating. There is nothing truly graphic shown but it is aimed at teens and adults. Adults who happen to remember the 80s will also get a kick out of seeing little Rudy Huxtable all grown up.
My Brother's Keeper is entertaining, thought-provoking, and it's one of those movies that inspire you to action in whatever capacity you can... So, get out and watch this movie starting March 19th!
Tell Tale Book Reviews gives My Brother's Keeper a 4 Bark rating.
own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
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